08 — He’s enforcing U.S. immigration laws.

20 Reasons to Re-Elect President Trump

U.S. Naturalization Ceremony
U.S. Naturalization Ceremony

It’s a simple proposition:

  • Legal immigration is good.
  • Illegal immigration is bad.

President Obama understood this. So does President Trump.

In fact, President Trump’s immigration policies are not much different than President Obama’s, who strictly enforced U.S. immigration laws.

There’s a reason why Obama was known in many immigrant communities as the “Deporter in Chief”.

“Obama has deported more people than any other president,” read the headline from ABC News.

In addition, Mexico’s previous Foreign Minister, Luis Videgaray, noted that there was no increase in deportations between Trump and Obama.

By the end of 2019, the numbers were clear: Deportations have been lower under Trump than Obama.

And before you start thinking “Kids in cages!!”, note that those famous images of children in holding cells were taken in 2014, when Obama was president.

If we believe in the rule of law, and want to protect American workers from cheap foreign labor, and stand for fairness in the immigration process, and want to disrupt the entry of drugs, criminals and terrorists, then our immigration laws must be enforced.

It was right when Obama did it.

It’s right when Trump does it, as well.

Article references (6):

  • ABC News (2)
  • NPR
  • AP
  • Independent
  • The Hill



Michael Benjamin
Michael Benjamin

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