Has China committed an act of war?

The Biden narrative suggests that China is attempting a coup against the U.S. government.

Michael Benjamin
6 min readNov 25, 2020
China flag

There’s a bigger and more important issue today than the presidential election. China appears to be engineering a coup against the President of the United States.

Below is the reasoning.

  • Part 1: The Coalition
  • Part 2: The Biden Narrative
  • Part 3: Nothing to See Here
  • Part 4: The Narrative in Play
  • Part 5: What’s really going on?
  • Part 6: Total conformance. No dissent. Who does this?

Part 1: The Coalition

Consider these groups of powerful voices in the United States:

  1. The mainstream news media: CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, USA Today, Fox News, Wall Street Journal
  2. The traditional right-leaning news media: National Review, Forbes Magazine, Drudge Report, New York Post, Fox News, Wall Street Journal
  3. The dominant social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
  4. The dominant search engine: Google
  5. The establishment Republicans: George Bush, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove, Colin Powell, Pat Toomey, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Jeff Flake

It’s a diverse group, but they all have something in common in today’s context: They’re promoting the same narrative. The same exact narrative.

They have, in effect, formed a coalition for this purpose.

Part 2: The Biden Narrative

Since the news media declared Joe Biden the winner on November 7th, coalition members have been aligned on these four points:

  1. Joe Biden is President-elect.
  2. Trump should concede.
  3. Democrats and Republicans are in agreement.
  4. Trump and his supporters have no evidence of voter fraud.

These four items form the Biden narrative.

Each member of the coalition has used their megaphones to promote this narrative, and their efforts have been largely successful: The Biden narrative is now conventional wisdom across America.

Joe Biden is President-elect. Trump should concede. Republicans and Democrats agree. Trump and his supporters are just sore losers.

That’s what many millions of Americans now believe.

Part 3: Nothing to See Here

But there’s a fifth element to the narrative. Coalition members pretend it doesn’t exist, but it’s obvious.

It can be summarized like this:

5. Claims of voter fraud must be ignored, censored or discredited.

This item may be receiving less attention than the others, but it’s still very much in play:

  • Establishment Republicans are ignoring the many claims of voter fraud by their supporters.
  • Big media is ignoring or discrediting the voting irregularities witnessed by thousands of Americans.
  • Big tech is censoring many voices that don’t conform with the Biden narrative. Even the President has had his social media posts censored.
  • The traditional right-leaning news media is doing all of the above AND, in the greatest of ironies, spearheading the attack on Trump.

Part 4: The Narrative in Play

Here are a few examples of coalition members promoting the Biden narrative.


In the tweet below, forget what Trump is saying for a moment. Look what Twitter is saying:


What “official sources”? When this came out, not a single state had yet certified their election results. There were no official sources. Twitter just flat out lied, doing their part to promote the narrative.

Fox News

  • On Election Day it was Fox News that called Arizona for Biden — just out of the blue. Not even CNN or NYT had made the call.
  • Since Election Day, many Fox News personalities, such as Neil Cavuto and Karl Rove, have transformed into hostile, anti-Trump activists.
  • (And let’s not forget that Fox News had already welcomed Leftist political operatives, such as Donna Brazile and Marie Harf, into their ranks.)

National Review, Forbes Magazine, Drudge Report, New York Post, WSJ

  • Once reliable sources of information for Republicans and conservatives, these news outlets now promote a great deal of Leftist propaganda.

Jeb Bush

Below is a tweet from former GOP governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush. He’s letting it be known that Dominion voting machines, currently under fire for alleged fraud, had no impact on the election outcome.


A few notable observations about this tweet:

  1. His call is premature. The investigation of Dominion has just begun.
  2. He’s linking to an article by another Republican coalition member, National Review.
  3. On the date the tweet was released, the article amounted to nothing more than a headline. There was no content! It was just a headline because, presumably, that’s all they needed (to go viral).

In short, this was a coordinated effort by establishment Republicans and the “right-leaning” news media to promote the Biden narrative.

Neil Cavuto (Fox News)

On November 9, Neil Cavuto abruptly cut away from a White House press conference about voter fraud. As he censored the broadcast he said:

“I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging that the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this.”

But by cutting away, he didn’t allow for the presentation of more details. Cavuto, for whatever reason, felt he needed to silence the White House. He felt the need to stand between the presidency and the electorate.

National Review

Here’s how Rich Lowry starts an article on November 20:

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States.

Here’s how John McCormack starts an article on the same date:

In the face of clear evidence that President Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, Trump and his surrogates have promoted wild and demonstrably false conspiracy theories that voting machines changed the votes needed to deliver Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election.

Actually, the only thing “demonstrably false” here is the content of their articles. These are just coalition members promoting the Biden narrative.

It’s also clear that whoever is running the show is very clever, having put Republicans at the forefront of this Leftist scheme to usurp the presidency.

Part 5: What’s really going on?

In order to figure out what’s actually happening, we need to ask certain questions:

  • Why are coalition members ignoring signs of voting irregularities?
  • Why don’t establishment Republicans want recounts or audits?
  • Why are there no investigative reports from the major news networks?
  • What’s holding this coalition together?
  • Why are Drudge Report, New York Post, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine and National Review now promoting Leftist lies and propaganda?
  • Why are coalition members urging Trump to concede, no questions asked?

You would think that at least one coalition member would say:

“For the sake of unity, let’s join the call for recounts and audits.”


“Let’s just do the recounts and audits so we can debunk these stupid claims and get them to shut up.”

But none of this is happening.

There’s simply no dissent from the Biden narrative.

Part 6: Total conformance. No dissent. Who does this?

It’s not clear (to me) who’s behind all of this. But I think it’s obvious who isn’t.

This operation is NOT being led by the Democratic Party. Consider:

  • An operation of this scale requires discipline, patience and sophistication. Dem party leaders possess none of those qualities.
  • You know them. They’re petty and childish. They throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want. They’re happy with short-term gains and immediate gratification.
  • Dem party leaders are not known for long-term thinking (which is why everything eventually backfires on them).

So I don’t see how Democratic Party leaders are pulling the strings here. More likely, they’re just puppets, having gotten themselves trapped in the scheme by their own greed and stupidity.

So who has the discipline, patience and sophistication, along with the expertise, resources and motive, to develop a long-term plan that would compromise thousands of influential Americans and rig a national election?

These possibilities come to mind:

  • Corrupt U.S. intel agencies (the “deep state”)
  • The Chinese Communist Party
  • A combination of both, along with other foreign powers

For now, based on everything I’ve seen, I’m going with China. And if this is correct, this is a state-sponsored coup d’état, which is an act of war.

