Georgia — Illegal votes, witness testimony, the ballot rejection rate and other reasons to de-certify the election.
Evidence of Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election
Why was the 2020 presidential election certified in Georgia? Consider this:
Illegal Votes
According to the Georgia Secretary of State, Donald Trump lost Georgia by 12,670 votes.
These are the official results:
- Biden: 2,474,507
- Trump: 2,461,837
- Margin of Victory for Biden: 12,670
However, also according to state records, as reported in court documents (case #2020CV343255), these votes were included:
- 92 votes cast by people whose absentee ballot was accepted, even though they didn’t request an absentee ballot
- 98 votes cast by people who registered to vote after the deadline.
- 217 votes cast by people whose absentee ballots were applied for, issued, and returned, all on the same day.
- 395 votes cast by people who also voted in another state (“double voters”).
- 1,043 votes cast by people who registered to vote illegally by using a post office box as their home address.
- 2,423 votes cast by people who were not registered to vote.
- 2,560 votes cast by felons still in prison.
- 4,926 votes cast by people who were registered to vote in another state.
- 8,718 votes cast by dead people.
- 15,700 votes cast by people who changed their address with the U.S. Postal Service but didn’t re-register at the new address before the election.
- 40,279 votes cast by people who moved to another Georgia county but didn’t re-register at the new address before the election.
- 66,247 votes cast by people who were underage.
- 305,701 votes cast by people who requested absentee ballots outside of the legal time frame.
All the votes listed above are illegal under Georgia law.
That’s 448,399 votes that should not have been counted.
This is very significant in an election that was decided by 12,670 votes.
- Why didn’t Georgia election officials remove illegal votes from the total count?
Witness Testimony: Dozens of Affidavits
Dozens of Georgia residents came forward after the election to provide written testimony (case #2020CV343255), under penalty of perjury, that they witnessed violations of Georgia election law.
Here are two of these people:
- Lisa Holst claims that she received three absentee ballots for her late father-in-law, Walter T. Holst, who died in 2010. State records show that Mr. Holst voted by absentee ballot on October 28, 2020.
- Sandy Rumph claims that her father-in-law, who died in 2019, had his voter registration changed from “deceased” to “active” one week after he passed away.
- Why did Mr. Holst receive three (or any) absentee ballots ten years after he died? Who cast a vote for him?
- Why was Ms. Rumph’s father-in-law’s voter registration changed back to “active” after he died? Who made the change?
A low ballot rejection rate.
Here are some notable statistics (case #2020CV343255) from the Georgia Secretary of State regarding absentee ballots in the 2020 General Election:
- 1,768,972 absentee ballots were mailed out.
- 1,317,000 were returned.
- The number returned represents a 500% increase over the 2016 General Election.
- The number returned represents a 400% increase over the 2018 General Election.
- The state received over a million more ballots in the 2020 General Election, than in 2016 and 2018.
- The number of returned absentee ballots that were rejected in the 2020 General Election was 4,471, yielding a 0.34% rejection rate.
- The number of returned absentee ballots that were rejected in the 2016 General Election was 6,059, yielding a 2.90% rejection rate.
- The number of returned absentee ballots that were rejected in the 2018 General Election was 7,889, yielding a 3.46% rejection rate.
- Why did the ballot rejection rate fall to 0.34% from the historical range of 2.90%-3.46%?
The water main break that can’t be found.
At approximately 10:00pm on Election Night, Fulton County election officials, who were processing ballots in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, instructed the news media and Republican poll watchers to leave. They claimed there was a water main break, so vote counting would stop and resume the next morning.
However, video surveillance and other evidence shows that after the press and Republicans left, several election officials remained behind and continued to count ballots.
Also, there is no record of a water main break or any other pipe bursting at that time. There was, however, a leaky toilet.
From the Georgia Secretary of State’s office:
“The Secretary of State’s Office opened an investigation into the incident at State Farm Arena. Our investigation revealed that the incident initially reported as a water leak late in the evening of November 3rd was actually a urinal that had overflowed early in the morning of November 3rd, and did not affect the counting of votes by Fulton County later that evening.”
- If there was no water main break, and the vote count didn’t stop, why were the news media and Republican poll watchers instructed to leave?
- Why did voting continue through the night even though election officials announced that vote counting would stop and resume in the morning?
Trump’s Phone Call
In December 2020 and January 2021, President Trump called Georgia election officials to discuss the issues highlighted above. In particular, he wanted to know why the illegal votes were being counted.
The phone calls were recorded by the election officials and parts were released to the news media, allowing them to characterize Trump as pressuring Georgia election officials to “find” votes that could help him win the state. The excerpts, taken out of context, were used to characterize Trump as desperate and corrupt.
A few months later, however, The Washington Post came forward to admit that these characterizations were false and issued a correction.
- Why did news media organizations falsely claim that Trump was pressuring election officials to find votes that could help him, when in fact he was asking them to remove illegal votes?
The many voting irregularities in Georgia call into question the voting results of the 2020 presidential election. At a minimum, they demonstrate a need for a full investigation of the Georgia election system.