Capitalism in the US is not “unchecked". Far from it. It’s highly regulated, especially in large cities. And especially in the food business in NYC! So what is Tom talking about?
And a quick review of the 20th century provides ample evidence to show that big government is always bad government.
Also, his “dumb big government" vs “smart big government" distinction is misguided because those who promote “dumb" big government policies always think they’re very “smart” people.
Still, I clapped for your article because he highlighted a serious problem, in my view: the obsession with maximizing profits. He’s right, we, as a society, put too much emphasis on quarterly earnings.
High quality products and services, excellent customer service, respect for your employees, paying bills in a timely manner (especially to small vendors), an honest and transparent management team… all those concepts are more important than profit maximization. In fact, they’re inversely related.